Electricity Party Exhibit

shockingly fun.

Benjamin Franklin’s curiosity led him to explore many novel ideas and devices of his time. In fact, curiosity was what drove his own discoveries and inventions – from the lightning rod to the glass armonica. In the 1700s, Franklin and other scientists shared their curiosity by hosting parties to show off the latest gadgets in static electricity. Join the party and try out some electric parlor tricks!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

PURCHASE your tickets here

what you’ll experience

  • See if you can make your hair rise by cranking up the electrostatic generator.

  • Charge a Leyden jar capacitor and make Franklin bells ring.

  • Light up the sparking sign to reveal its secret picture.

  • Crank up a mini hail storm with the generator and watch how static electricity works.