Become a member

Members are an important part of our community of curious tinkerers, explorers, and innovators. Every membership supports our mission of inspiring a passion for innovation.

Members receive free admission to our exhibits and gardens, early access to events, and exclusive discounts. Make someone’s day and gift a membership!

Membership Levels

All general memberships are tax deductible.

Household • $90

✔️ Admission for two designated adults

✔️ Admission for your children or grandchildren (ages 3-17)

✔️ Early access to special events

✔️ 10% discount in The Bakken Store

✔️ Admission to over 350 museums worldwide through ASTC Passport Program*

✔️ 10% Discount on camps and classes


Senior Household • $80

✔️ Admission for two designated seniors (ages 65+)

✔️ Admission for your children or grandchildren (ages 3-17)

✔️ Early access to special events

✔️ 10% discount in The Bakken Store

✔️ Admission to over 350 museums worldwide through ASTC Passport Program*

✔️ 10% Discount on camps and classes


DUAL • $55

✔️ Admission for one designated adult + one guest

✔️ Early access to special events

✔️ 10% discount in The Bakken Store

✔️ Admission to over 350 museums worldwide through ASTC Passport Program*

❌ Admission for your children or grandchildren not included

❌ 10% Discount on camps or classes


Dual Senior • $45

✔️ Admission for two designated seniors (ages 65+)

✔️ Early access to special events

✔️ 10% discount in The Bakken Store

✔️ Admission to over 350 museums worldwide through ASTC Passport Program*

❌ Admission for your children or grandchildren not included

❌ 10% Discount on camps or classes

Supporting memberships

Supporting members help The Bakken Museum expand our reach, inspiring a passion for innovation at the museum and around the region. Become a supporting member and receive exclusive benefits and access.


✔️ Admission for two designated adults

✔️ Admission for your children or grandchildren (ages 3-17)

✔️ Early access to special events

✔️ 10% discount in The Bakken Store

✔️ Admission to over 350 museums worldwide through ASTC Passport Program

✔️ 10% Discount on Camps/Classes

✔️ 8 additional admission vouchers

✔️ 20% guest admission discount

✔️ Recognition in our Annual Report

✔️ 1 Household Membership to give as a gift

Châtelet • $350

✔️ Admission for two designated adults

✔️ Admission for your children or grandchildren (ages 3-17)

✔️ Early access to special events

✔️ 10% discount in The Bakken Store

✔️ Admission to over 350 museums worldwide through ASTC Passport Program

✔️ 10% Discount on Camps/Classes

✔️ 4 additional admission vouchers

✔️ 20% guest admission discount

✔️ Recognition in our Annual Report

✔️ 1 Household Membership to give as a gift

Bassi • $200

✔️ Admission for two designated adults

✔️ Admission for your children or grandchildren (ages 3-17)

✔️ Early access to special events

✔️ 10% discount in The Bakken Store

✔️ Admission to over 350 museums worldwide through ASTC Passport Program

✔️ 10% Discount on Camps/Classes

✔️ 4 additional admission vouchers

✔️ 20% guest admission discount

✔️ Recognition in our Annual Report

* Restrictions apply. Not valid on admission to science centers within 90 miles of either your home residence or the science center or museum that you belong to. This distance is measured as a linear radius, not driving distance. Please see the ASTC Program Guidelines for more details.

Please note: 10% discount on camps and classes includes on-site youth and family programs including Summer Camp, Break Camps, and Inventors Club. Discount does not apply to field trips or other school group programs.

Corporate Memberships

Demonstrate your commitment to STEM exploration. Corporate memberships provide museum access and supports exhibit development, education programs, and artifact preservation.