Visitor Photos
We love to see visitor photos! Visitors to The Bakken Museum are allowed and encouraged to take photographs for personal use or to post on social media. The use of flash is discouraged. We encourage you to share your photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and tag @thebakkenmuseum and/or use #thebakkenmuseum.
Photographs of Visitors
The Museum occasionally photographs and/or records exhibits and programs for advertising and promotional use. Should you prefer not to be photographed/filmed, please notify a staff member if you notice photography or filming being conducted.
Family, Graduation, or Engagement Photos
The Museum is a popular location for photoshoots. Our exhibits, West Winds mansion, gardens, and green roof are all available for photography sessions. We require any professional photography to be coordinated in advance with our venue rentals team.
To request an appointment and pricing, please email events@thebakken.org.
Press Photography Policy
Images of the Museum can be found at thebakken.org/press-kit. To request additional images, please email marketing@thebakken.org.
Subject to prior approval, members of the press may photograph or film within designated areas of the Museum for the purpose of news coverage that includes The Bakken Museum as the subject. All members of the press must contact the Marketing and Communications Department prior to arrival at the Museum. Unless otherwise arranged, a member of the Marketing and Communications Department must be present to escort members of the press through exhibitions and all other areas of the facility.
To make arrangements, email marketing@thebakken.org.
Commercial and Special Photography Policy
The Museum receives frequent requests from individuals or production companies interested in commercial filming or conducting photo shoots in and around the Museum. We are happy to accommodate these shoots when we can.
If you have a filming or photo project and would like to use the Museum as a location, please email marketing@thebakken.org to discuss the project.
Disclaimer Concerning All Photography
With respect to any photographs taken at the Museum, the Museum makes no representations or warranties concerning the subject matter of such photographs. To the extent such photography incorporates the likenesses of individuals or depicts copyrighted materials, the photographer shall have sole responsibility for obtaining any necessary releases or consents to use such likenesses or materials.
Visit Us
3537 Zenith Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Hours of Operation
Open: Tuesday – Sunday from 10a.m. – 4p.m.
Closed: Mondays